But wow, still a love between a man and a woman (boy and a gal) has its own fragrance. The word Love is used to describe the bond between two hearts, more than any other ways.
When You are in LOVE...
Love, makes you speak thousands and thousands of words inside your heart and never allows you to utter a single word before the one whom you wanted. You can hear the roaring of a ocean inside your heart and the heat of the sun in your breath. But a piece of silent smile outside you. Though you both sit next to each other and know what is playing around, you end up saying "Hi".

You will long for the nearness of your love and wait even for hours without any second thought. Each and every moment seems to be longer than any before and you feel a snail moving faster than your waiting time. But you will never have a complaint of waiting.

You will feel love everywhere. You can see the face of love in each and everything you hold. You used to think you know everything of this world, until you met your love. Now you will understand that you know only love as your world and know nothing except that.

You will have only one thing to say and only one thing to write everywhere... It is "I Love You". Even when you buy a pen, you feel scribbling your love's name. Whenever you get a paper and pen, you feel writing a letter, putting all your feelings, but end up writing only one thing "I Love You". You feel flying when you say or hear this magic word.

Everything seems to be colourful. Entire world looks beautiful. You can smell the fragrance of flowers like a butterfly and you feel great with yourself. You feel softness in all. You will handle things carefully with great Love inside you. You think that even walking fast will hurt the earth.

Love is a great feeling, which cannot be expressed just with few words. To find its nature, you should be in LOVE. It is good to be in LOVE.

Love continues with more and different forms, soon.... Until then, its a small break from Mythili Shiju :)
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